時間的な余裕があれば"HCI Beyond the GUI: Design for Haptic, Speech, Olfactory, and Other Nontraditional Interfaces"を読んでみたいよなぁ。
1. Introduction to the Human Factors of Nontraditional Interfaces Philip Kortum
2. Haptic Interfaces Marcia K. O’Malley, Abhishek Gupta
3. Gesture Interfaces Michael Nielsen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Moritz Storring, and Erik Granum
4. Locomotion Interfaces Mary C. Whitton, Sharif Razzaque
5. Auditory Interfaces S. Camille Peres, Virginia Best, Derek Brock, Christopher Frauenberger, Thomas Hermann, John G. Neuhoff, Louise Valgerður Nickerson, Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Tony Stockman
6. Designing Usable Voice User Interfaces Susan L. Hura
7. Interactive Voice Response Interfaces Jeff Brandt
8. Olfactory Interfaces Yasuyuki Yanagida
9. Taste Interfaces Hiroo Iwata
10. Small-Screen Interfaces Daniel W. Mauney, Chris Masterton
11. Multimode Interfaces: Two or More Interfaces to Accomplish the Same Task Aaron W. Bangor, James T. Miller
12. Multimodal Interfaces: Combining Interfaces to Accomplish a Single Task Paulo Barthelmess, Sharon Oviatt
HCI Beyond the GUI: Design for Haptic, Speech, Olfactory, and Other Nontraditional Interfaces (Interactive Technologies) | |
Philip Kortum Morgan Kaufmann Pub 2008-05-02 売り上げランキング : 35950 Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools |
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